關於我們 About us

復興宣教事工是葉國才牧師開始的一個機構,目的是復興人靈命、訓練人靠著聖靈的能力侍奉神和去列國宣教,他曾經去和將會去不同國家復興人靈命和訓練傳道人和委身的基督徒帶著聖靈的能力侍奉神,包括在香港、以色列、俄羅斯、埃及、肯亞、博茨瓦納、坦桑尼亞、巴基斯坦、荷蘭、菲律賓、烏干達、盧旺達和剛果,他將會計劃去更多國家。    葉牧師訓練內容: 輕鬆得勝(活在神的愛和計劃中、處理生命和發揮生命的教導),聖靈充滿,按手禱告,釋放醫治禱告,聖靈恩膏運作在各樣侍奉(傳福音,建立靈命,處理生命問題,釋放,心靈及身體醫治),帶領敬拜,帶領聖靈恩膏聚會,彈奏各樣樂器,美聲聲樂,神蹟性侍奉,輔導,婚姻輔導,分享,領查經,發揚神屬性講道法,宣教,帶領小組,聖經科目,神學等等。    葉國才牧師,美國神召會牧師、美國宣道會聖經大學學士、美國路德會神學院兩個釋經學神學碩士、聖靈恩膏服事者、神學院及聖經學院教師、去列國的宣教士及復興者,他已經作牧師34年。



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Facebook:葉牧(Pastor Yip)

Global Fire Missions Ministries was founded by Pastor Timothy Yip. The purpose is to revive the spiritual life of Christians, to train ministers and devoted Christians to serve God by the power of the Holy Spirit in different nations. He has been to and is planning to go to these nations: Hong Kong, Israel, Russia, Egypt, Kenya, Botswana, Tanzania, Pakistan, Holland, the Philippines, Uganda, Rwanda and Congo. He will go to more nations.

Pastor Timothy Yip is an Assemblies of God ordained pastor. He has a bachelor degree in a Bible college and 2 master degrees in theology. He has taught in seminaries and Bible schools. He was filled with the Holy Spirit in 1998 and has trained many ministers and lay people in different countries in the world to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to serve God with the power of God.

He can do training in these areas for ministers and laymen:
1. The continual infilling of the Holy Spirit to bring transformation to spiritual life and to have power for evangelism and ministry,
2. How to live in the love of God all the time and enjoy the relationship with God and enjoy serving God.
3. How to handle different problems in life: mistreatment from people, sins, hurts, negative thinking, negative emotions, negative subconscious mind and problematic life style.
4. Physical and inner healing, exorcism, and ministry in the supernatural realm,
5. Leading worship and leading people to enter a strong presence of God,
6. Playing musical instruments like keyboards, guitars, drums, and vocal,
7. Revival of spiritual life
8. Training in leading Bible study and preaching with emphasis on God’s nature, God’s grace, God’s heart and God’s plan.
9. Leading Spirit-filled meetings, healing meetings or evangelistic meetings.
10. Counseling and marriage counseling training.
11. How to raise up people to serve God.

You can see my teachings and testimonies of people at:


Whatsapp: +852 94088617

Email: a7535a@gmail.com

Facebook: Pastor Yip

Playlists: English revival sermons and Experience Holy Spirit